Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm Changing All The Rules.....

So I don't like what Day 14's blog post is about so I'm going to shuffle things around a little....Day 15 is moving up a day and I figured I would post a recipe and weight loss update :)

Day 14/15 - What animal would you be and why?

If I could be any animal it would be a monkey. I love them, they are so cute!! Monkeys live in close family relationships where they take care of each other and monkeys are also very smart! (that totally fits my personality anyways!!) It would be fun just swinging around, and playing all the time!

On to more important matters....weight loss.....

Well to say that I have been devoted and done everything I was supposed to do for the past few weeks would be well...a lie. I have changed my eating habits a good bit and for once in my life am eating the majority of my meals at home. That I have found, makes a huge difference. Even healthy foods at a restuarant really aren't that healthy. I have had a cheat meal here or there but you know what, sue me! I am going to still enjoy myself and sometimes a cheeseburger and fries is just what you want! I have lost 6 lbs and I am happy with that. Things came off in 2011 much faster, but I was taking Phentermine and even though that worked, when I was done and started eating what I wanted again and started EATING period slowly came back. This time I am eating, (not exercising like I should be....that's fixing to change) but things are working, slowly but surely. I has taken me 5 years to get to the point that I am at and it's going to take me a lot longer than 3 weeks to get it off. I am cooking low calorie dinners at home and attempting for low calories lunches as well. It has been interesting trying to find new recipes for dinners but so far my family hasn't really complained. Jayden is even eating more veggies and better, she had mashed cauliflower last night and loved it! We have also been subbing in turkey in our meals and Jayden hasn't seemed to mind at all. I'm hoping that with me trying to lose weight that I can keep her on this track and that she won't grow up with the struggles that I have had. I am hoping that she will grow up to be not only healthy but happy with herself. I want her to be a happy, healthy, not overweight child.

I tried a new recipe last night from Pinterest and my family seemed to really enjoy it! Sour Cream and Parmesan Baked Chicken with mashed cauliflower and Asian Steamer Veggies. The whole meal was very low calorie but very filling!

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